Monday, May 10, 2010

Seeing Red

Hi everyone :) sorry I haven't been posting anything new lately. I'm still in the middle of crazy AP testing. Almost to that finish line, Hallelujah! Anyway, I thought I would ask everyone's opinion on whether or not I should dye my hair. I have been considering it since the beginning of last year and finally have the guts to do it! After much contemplation with my friends, family, etc. I have come to the conclusion that I want to dye my hair red. Not like a bright red, but a reddish brown type red (since I already have brown hair) and plus I don't want it to be too drastic. So, I would really love your opinions to help me in this major decision process, I have never in my entire life dyed my hair before!
So please, comment below :) I deeply appreciate it! Thank you everyone for viewing and I hope you have a fabulous week.

xoxo Kayla

Here are a few pictures on the colors I am deciding on...

Alison Sudol of A Fine Frenzy. I absolutely love this hair color...

Debra Messing... This is a lovely color as well

Julia Roberts


  1. I love being a red head. I've done it too many times to count. I vote for alison's color. I've always loved it.

  2. I think you will look adorable and I have to say I am a huge fan of Alison Sudol's color...caught my eye! :)

    Liesl :)

  3. You should def give red a try!

    I dyed my hair red for about 6 years before I went blonde and I loved it !The colour really stands out in comparison to a brunette!

    Go for it


  4. Yes! Every girl should go red at least once.

    I think the first shade would be gorgeous on you. Are you going to do it yourself or go to a salon?

  5. These are gorgeous shades of red! If you feel comfortable doing it, I say go for it! Good luck and can't wait to see pictures!

    Live Love LA

  6. It will look great on you I bet.
    Cute blog, I'll follow you

    x Jenny

  7. I actually wanted to dye my hair a reddish blonde,my hair is brown too, but I don't think it would go with my skin color... :/
    but you should! I <3 the color :)

    Follow? ;)

  8. I actually already love your natural colour :) but if you decide to go red, I love shades of Isla Fisher or Amy Adams :)

  9. thats a gorgeous color, i say go for it!

  10. Go for it! I dyed mine from a lifelong blonde to a very fun brunette, actually a deep brown with violet hues. It's the best change I've ever made. Have fun & good luck with finding the perfect color.

  11. def like the first girl! her hair looks amazing!!!

    xoxo jenna

    ps: check out my giveaway!
