Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mumford & Sons

Last night, as I had announced, was the Mumford & Sons concert I had ranting about! And let me just tell you, I loved mumford before, but after seeing them live... I just love them even more. They have such an undying passion and talent for their music and it was so entirely amazing to see. Hands down, the best concert I have ever been to. I went with my best friend, Hayley, and we ended up having the most amazing seats (big thanks to Hayley's mom!) They were front row balcony seats. And a surprising guest sat in front of through out the entire show, mister Jake Gyllenhaal! It was quite different to see someone you would normally see on the big screen, actually sitting directly in front of you. The opening bands were a one man band, Adam Stockdale, and the lovely band The Middle East. Both fantastic opening bands, I couldn't get enough of their music. 

As I posted before, I would post pictures documenting this amazing concert, but I came into a frightening bump in the road when security told me I couldn't bring my camera inside! Turns out I had to have a "photo pass". How the heck was I supposed to know that?! But since I didn't have a car or anywhere else to put my camera, they told me I wasn't allowed to go inside to see the concert. But after much deliberation with the security guard, he allowed me to go inside but I wasn't allowed to take my camera out of my purse and take photos, otherwise if he caught me doing so, all photos would be deleted and I would have to leave. Of course I agreed and he immediately let me inside, bless his heart... 

Mumford & Sons completely took my breath away and I still cannot believe I actually witnessed this amazing band live. I'm already planning on going to the next concert scheduled in L.A. 

Hope everyone is having a fabulous day so far :)

xoxo Kayla





  1. OMG! Jake Gyllenhaal is sooo cute! Lucky you got in in the end! xoxo

  2. AH! (and waah) the Palladium show is sold out!

    You're so lucky. I love the Mumford as well.

    I find Marcus utterly adorable ( I have a thing for stocky boys )
